IT administration, support and operation

IT management, support and operation

Prevent unplanned downtime and guarantee your company’s full uptime with corrective and preventive measures and centralized multi-vendor ICT support. Axians Slovakia’s management and support service responds to all infrastructure incidents and helps your company maintain, manage and transform its IT.

How does the IT administration and support service work?

Your IT can run smoothly for 364 days, but it can also fail for an entire day. In that case, maintenance and support services will be key. Do you know how much 1 hour of downtime will cost you?

The technology environment in businesses includes hardware, software and networks from different manufacturers. Regardless of the technology, just an hour of forced downtime disables entire teams and can paralyze an entire company.

At Axians Slovakia we have adopted the Break and Fix model.

The IT support solution offers fast and relevant responses on-site or remotely, both in the prevention of failures and in the recovery phase from outages.

We design support solutions that best suit your business and add value to it. We identify critical points and suggest improvements to your company’s IT infrastructure.

Our solutions offer

We provide flexible solutions that include:

  • Customer Success Manager monitoring and support
  • Specialized engineering services
  • Standard SLAs with 24×7 availability with a commitment to respond within 4 hours to analyze and execute the order
  • A package of credit units that convert to hours.

24/7 support

Service is based on correction services tailored to your business.  Main goal is the instant recovery of all information and communication systems.

With us, you get a service with a comprehensive basic plan that offers:

  • a single point of contact with 24-hour availability
  • a dedicated support line
  • a dedicated service manager
  • incident reporting

You can hire other IT management and support services that best suit your needs, such as:

  • on-site hardware replacement
  • regular service reports
  • access to manufacturer support
  • software support with access to minor or major updates

Constant improvement

This level includes continuous and proactive services to optimize the viability and performance of the IT infrastructure to minimize the risk of failure as much as possible.

Continuous adoption

At this level, the administration and support service focuses on the successful adoption of technology by users to make the best use of the various IT solutions.

What are the benefits of an IT management and support service?

  • Supports the growth of the core business

    Taking advantage of this service allows you to focus on activities that create value for your company, with the assurance that your IT infrastructure is monitored by experts and a Customer Success Manager to support you.

  • Has simplified service management

    IT Management and Support Service allows you to reduce the complexity and cost of managing maintenance support services through a centralised Multivendor service.

    This simplifies contract lifecycle management, with a single agent available to support technologies from different vendors.

  • Reduces costs

    With the service, you’ll prevent service disruption by reducing the risk of unplanned downtime and supporting rapid recovery when it does occur.

    You minimise the direct and indirect costs to the business of service disruption, such as lost revenue and productivity, customer dissatisfaction, and recovery efforts, among others. The total cost may be incalculable.

  • Increasing IT availability

    Rely on services with 365x24x7 availability, modeled and customizable to different business needs and the criticality of the infrastructure that supports them.

    By investing in IT management and support, you reduce unplanned downtime and its impact on business stability. Because management is performed regularly, you can extend the life of your devices and optimize your entire IT infrastructure through preventative services.

What will you get?

The IT service contract is executed through a personalized service level agreement (SLA) that guarantees availability, response and resolution time.

We work with you to determine what we can do for your business in a specific and measurable way, while avoiding unnecessary expense.

Why cooperate with Axians Slovakia?

  • we have experts dedicated exclusively to technical support and maintenance contract management
  • we have strategic partners in various locations
  • our experts are certified and we have established valuable partnerships with major software manufacturers
  • get ongoing dedicated support

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