Social responsibility
Axians Slovakia subscribes to the principles of social responsibility and corporate philanthropy. The company’s management is fully aware that profit generation and socially responsible business must be interconnected, and therefore CSR activities have long been part of its strategic planning. We focus our attention on selected projects, particularly in the areas of youth education and healthcare support.

Educational support
Since 2003, Axians Slovakia has been a partner of the non-profit educational organization Junior Achievement Slovakia, which is a leader in the field of business education in Slovakia. As a member of the board of directors, Axians Slovakia brings the input and insight of a “professional from practice” with the necessary know-how, supports the activities of the organization by providing material equipment and premises for their activities. At the same time, he actively participates in the organization and conduct of selected educational projects in the areas of applied economics and business skills development, which are designed for both secondary and university students and teachers.
For more than 25 years, JA Slovakia’s educational programmes have been providing young people with experiential knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and financial literacy. They are built on very close cooperation with the business world – combining theoretical knowledge and practical experience. It is this element that is brought about by long-standing partnerships with major Slovak companies, among which Axians Slovakia is a stable member. Linking education and business brings mutually beneficial synergies – young people get first-hand experience and companies get a source of inspiration, innovation and a promising workforce in the young people who go through JA programmes.
Balážová Danica
Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, JA Slovakia, n.o.

Healthcare support
Axians Slovakia, as an authorized distributor of medical equipment, has long been involved in various projects of sponsorship support and improvement of health care in Slovakia. In addition to donations of special equipment and devices to various healthcare facilities across Slovakia, it is also involved in direct support of healthcare foundations and partner events in the field of healthcare.

Ethics and human rights in the VINCI Group
In an ever-growing group of companies, it is important that we uphold our ethical business principles and apply them in our daily practice. The ethical guidelines that all new employees receive when they start work serve this purpose.

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